Container dwarf blackberry Baby Cakes™ APF-236T - thornless

Baby Cakes™ (APF-236T) dwarf blackberry

falls into erect and rounded blackberries category, perfect for bigger containers or smaller gardens.
It has a dwarf rounded habit and it is also thornless, so you might want to grow it on a bigger balcony or terrace, but it will require a bit more space than other dwarf blackberries, since it grows up to 150cm (60in) in height.
Berries are a bit bigger than Purple Opal's and in warmer climates it gives two crops per season.
Baby Cakes™ (APF-236T) is said to be a floricane and primocane type of blackberry, which means it will produce two crops of blackberries. First crop will be on previous year's wood in mid summer and second crop will be on current year's growth which will start to ripen in early fall until frost.

Baby Cakes™ (APF-236T) specifications:

Introduced: autumn 2016
Origin: Fall Creek nursery, Oregon, USA
Habit: upright, thornless
Type: floricane, primocane
Height: 90-150cm (36-60in)
Width: 60cm (24in)
Flowering: May -> August
Harvest: July -> November
Flower color: white
Fruit weight: 6.5+ grams
Hardiness: -15°C (5°F)

If you are looking for a dwarf hanging-creeping type of blackberries, check Black Cascade.

Want to know more about planting blackberries in containers, pots and baskets ?